11th October, 2024
Budapest and Debrecen are best places to live
MBH Jelzálogbank has ranked Budapest, Debrecen, and Pannonhalma as the top three places to live in Hungary in the bank’s latest liveability index.
Now in its fourth year, the survey takes into account housing demand, education, healthcare, culture, and labour markets.
Regional disparities remain, with northern and eastern regions scoring lower, while southern and northwestern parts of Hungary performed better.
The study found that larger cities, such as Budapest, Pécs and Debrecen, excel in education, healthcare, and cultural offerings.
Cities around Lake Balaton and Budapest were ranked as least affordable, while crime rates were higher in larger cities.
Salgótarján is rated the most affordable, while Pécs was ranked highest in quality of healthcare.
Sources regularly consulted, with abbreviations used in text: Népszabadság (N); Magyar Hírlap (MH); Világgazdaság (VG); Napi Gazdaság (NG); Magyar Nemzet (MN); Népszava (Nsz); Kossuth Rádió news (KR); nightly TV news (TV).
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