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29th July, 2024

More EVs running on roads this year

There were 52,209 fully electric vehicles running on Hungarian roads at the end of June, compared to 41,386 one year earlier, according to figures from the Future Mobility Alliance (Jövő Mobilitása Szövetség).

The number of extended-range plug-in hybrid electric vehicles rose from 21,874 to 29,646, while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles grew from 10,829 to 12,358 in the same period.

In total, the number of vehicles with some form of electric drive grew from 74,089 to 101,213 over the past 12 months.

Despite the nearly 3,000 public charging points available, most electric vehicle owners still prefer to charge their batteries at home, according to the alliance, which is tasked with the promotion of e-mobility.

Sources regularly consulted, with abbreviations used in text: Népszabadság (N); Magyar Hírlap (MH); Világgazdaság (VG); Napi Gazdaság (NG); Magyar Nemzet (MN); Népszava (Nsz); Kossuth Rádió news (KR); nightly TV news (TV).

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